Rest in Peace. What to do?

Discussion in 'Drag Racing' started by Dr. Jeff Harper, Nov 24, 2008.

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  1. Dr. Jeff Harper

    Dr. Jeff Harper New Member Racer

    I would like to express my sincere condolences and sympathy to the families and friends of those killed in the senseless accident last Saturday night at BDA, as well as my best wishes for a fast and complete recovery of those injured.

    Although this is a sad and senseless tragedy, it does not have to be meaningless. Let this tragedy become the reason all race fans, racers, track operators, and sponsors to begin to work together to improve, and professionalize, all aspects of the sport we love so much, especially safety. These good people should not die for nothing.

    We falang have a saying about Thailand:

    Q. "What's best about Thailand?"
    A. "Mai Pen Lai."
    Q. "What's worst about Thailand?"
    A. "Mai Pen Lai."

    Safety: Pen Lai.

    The way forward, in my humble opinion, involves the formation of a Thai Drag Racing Association (TDRA) that inspects drag strips, sanctions drag strips, sets and enforces safety standards, inspects and certifies race cars for competition, educates track operators and racers about safety, and generally looks after the safety of racers, spectators, and the general good reputation of drag racing. An association working for the benefit of all those involved in drag racing will require the cooperation of all involved. In other words, "pen lai". Racers, promoters, and track operators will have to accept some restrictions on what they can do to their cars and tracks in the interests of safety . . . and not complain, but be glad for the help.

    Let us all make sure that the race last Saturday was not only a milestone in Thai Drag racing history because of the first six second run, but also because it started the drag racing community to take seriously the mutual responsibility we all share in making sure lives are protected . . . while we are having fun.

    Pen lai.

    Perhaps this web forum can become the place where a discussion can take place that leads to the formation of such an association. I hope so.

    Rest in Peace.
  2. dekphoram

    dekphoram New Member Member

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